Friday, November 14, 2008

Put your flag in the ground

What is it today with all of the people who ride the fence. Get down and take a side. Or what is it with people who would rather lead you on rather than saying no or I can't do it. Some folks today have such a small moral constitution. A man who is afraid to take a stand, is no man at all.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I have been thinking about some confrontation that has been in my life. It seems like today that any time that others have any opinion other than your own it is immediately considered an attack and the standard opportunity procedure is just to defend. Aquinas said, "We must love them both-- those whose opinion we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both have labored in the search for truth and both have helped us in the finding of it." Thus, often if another has a differing opinion it could be used to strengthen your current position, but it also could be an opportunity to refine your stance. Am I even willing to consider that I need refining.... R U?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The green grass

The grass is always greener on the other side. Well that is only true if you are to lazy to water and mow your own lawn. Plant trees and flowers and your yard will be looking great. I think it is true in any relationship or any endeavor that you are the one who makes it look good to yourself, not others. Lately I have been frustrated with my lawn and I am realizing that it is because I have been neglectful with how I care for it. It would do no good to more to a place across the street because the lawn is greener over there because after a few weeks it would just die if I was not caring for it. I need to get to work here in my yard. I am not sure where I going to start, but lets hope I get dirty laying the foundation of a great spring forward.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Someone today was talking about luck. Ok some times I might by into that, but I am not sure luck is what I would call it. I believe people seeing rewards from managing "luck" or blessings. Say your a surfer in the water. You are not going to get lucky and catch a big wave, unless you paddle yourself out to where the wave is going to break. You can't wait at home for it to happen. You got to put yourself in a place to be lucky. Therefore, is it really LUCKY!

Hope and Change

Hope and change are not words they are actions. This past year I have heard so many people express these terms. I hope people realize that it all starts within them. I was reading a book on marriage and it was talking about how your mate is not where you look to make a better marriage, rather the change needs to lie in you. We live in this world of desire for fast change. There is no quick fix. Change comes from perseverance. Unfortunately most people don't have a clue what that means. They always want to say the grass is greener on the other side.. well maybe it is... but only because you were to lazy to water, plant trees and mow the lawn. You think the outside world is ever going to change for you, you are miss led. You are never going to find what you want until you take ownership of your lawn! No one gets to the top of the mountain in a helicopter, they wind their way up or what is the value... keep trucking.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The "Focus" in the ancient world (Roman Empire) was a small fire that was located in the center of the living room, of each home; on all sides people sat in the evening, much like a modern campfire. Eating talk drinking, but this fire was the center or focus of the evening. Thus focus is a key part of function; at the center of our heart. It is important to keep our eyes on the center of where we are going. Where we look our body tends to follow. Just like if we look for the good in all things that is generally what we find, and the same for looking at negatives. Focus is ultimately a key contributor in the outcome of life. Focus.


Our obligation is to work for the good of most men; even if that means we are not to move forward. Mans obligation is the basis for rights. Thus we only rightly should do what improves; NEVER hurts. To help us with this task we must always pray for wisdom and discernment. Another must is growth. Always move forward; if you feel your are not changing, make a change in what you do. We must grow, it is good. It takes a brave man to do for others and grow, but a man based on right excepts the pain and fear associated, and does it in spite of these drawbacks... "if wisdom could be seen with the eyes, it would arouse astonishing feelings of love for it," Plato

Unconquered Spirit

Unconquered spirit is the most admirable achievement; it is the life blood of all. To get from the start to the finish is a great distance. In any worthwhile task there will always be times of stagnation, defeat, or some effect that compromises the forward momentum. Those who wind up derailed are often not finished or forced to end, but rather quit. A man left with nothing, but still focused on a vision or end is still in the race. Leaders, even when forced to detour, are laying a path to the prize. Life is a marathon; not a 50 yard dash. The man ahead in the first mile generally peters out. Rather the man who can still surge on the last leg, even when not in first, is the man of unconquered spirit.


Lincoln said "you can never judge the size of a tree until it falls," as this is when you can see the roots. What are you doing underground? When the doors are sealed man builds his ability to sustain in the future. A man that only builds for what is to be seen is not prepared for the vastness of life. I am always reminded by my wall that says "somewhere right now your enemy is training so that when he meets you, he could win. STAY HARD." Am I training for my life or just playing life? The roots that dig deep draw from vast and different resources. Able to amalgamate the bits on call, but to nothing less than steadfast call when none required. What goes on in your soil, is there anything under the ground?



Where is the problem... why do people throw trash on the ground next to a trash can or in a bathroom that has a receptacles? is it the person, the parents, or society... who is to blame?

There is a story about a CEO and a friend at the YMCA... they are finished playing racquetball and in the bathroom taking their showers. Some young boys come in and start to make a mess; throwing trash on the floor, and making a general mess. The CEO says nothing to the boys, but when they leave the CEO starts to clean up the mess from the boys, and leaves the room cleaner than before the boys came in. When the CEO's friend says, are you the CEO because you pick up others trash or because you are CEO you have to pick up others trash?

I think CEO's picked up the trash first!